Self Rescues

Clinic & Card


Will take the novice kayaker through technique, sequence and practice of one of the most important skills every paddler needs to know. On successful completion you will be able to get back into your kayak safely and securely should you ever fall out.


Prerequisites:  None

Course length: 2 hours.

Class ratio:        1 instructor: 4 participants.

Location:           Pool

Open water – calm conditions

Conditions:      Wind calm (< 8 knots). Sea state calm to rippled.



What you may expect to learn from this Clinic:


Required equipment and their purpose

Getting into and out of a kayak at poolside, shore or dock

How to properly and safely do a wet exit with a spray skirt in place

Maintaining control of your paddle and kayak

Methods for getting back into your kayak

Emptying your kayak of water

Options to consider after a Self Rescue is completed.